Compact Fluorescent Lamps and Straight Fluorescent Tubes

Need a solution for your community?
Home Collection Service
This convenient home collection service offers the pick up and recycling of Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) and straight Fluorescent Tubes. CFLs and straight tubes contain mercury, so they do not belong in regular trash bins.
This program incorporates collection of any type of mercury containing lamp including CFL, straight tubes, High intensity lamps and more., which are produced in a wide variety of shapes and sizes.
Kiosk Program
Kiosks boxes which can be conveniently placed throughout your municipality at easily accessible public locations including senior centers, community centers, libraries, city hall and retail stores. A collection location can also be utilized at city or county facilities and public works yards.
Drop boxes allow communities to promote proper disposal options in your area. Check with your local WM Representative, as this is not available in all areas.