
Need a solution for your community?
WM's At Your Door Special Collection service offers a safe disposal option for household batteries within your community. This convenient service encourages proper recycling of batteries and helps to prevent improper disposal. In some states, it may be illegal to place household batteries into regular trash bins. Many types of batteries are accepted through this service, including NiCad, Alkaline, Lithium Primary, Nickel Zinc, Nickel Metal Hydride, Mercury and more. These are produced in a variety of shapes and sizes.
Home Collection Service
This convenient home collection service offers the pick up and recycling of household batteries. This convenient service encourages proper recycling of batteries to prevent improper disposal.
In specific states, it is illegal to place certain household batteries into regular trash bins. This program incorporates collection of any type of household battery and vehicle batteries.
Kiosk Program
Kiosks which can be conveniently placed throughout your municipality at easily accessible indoor public locations including senior centers, community centers, libraries, city hall and retail stores. A collection location can also be utilized at city or county facilities and public works yards.
These boxes allow communities to promote proper disposal options in your area, while complying with state regulations. Check with your local WM Representative, as this is not available in all areas.